“Drawing Cats” is a fun competition thrown by the Vietnam Local Artist Group to celebrate the Year of the Cat in the Vietnamese Lunar Calendar for 2023. Since we’re all big cat lovers, we couldn’t resist the chance to create more cat-themed art. Our talented illustrator, Hannah, jumped in on the action. Even though the rules only called for one illustration, she went the extra mile and put together a whole series of drawings centered around the theme of ‘Yummy Kittens.’
The idea was simple yet creative: take a famous Vietnamese dish and mix it up with a cat. This left plenty of room for Hannah to let her imagination run wild, and the results turned out to be a blast! Check out the final illustrations below
Illustrator: Hannah Hoang
Hannah Hoang Artist
Hannah Hoang is an illustrator-graphic designer based in Vietnam, with a passion for story-telling and cute things. With seven years of experience in the industry, she has proved herself as a versatile and reliable artist.