[Animation] Family Medical Practice “9999 Emergency Banner”

9999 Emergency Storyboard

When an accident happens, every passing minute could be life-changing for the victim. More often than not, we lose precious time due to panic or not knowing the right steps to take. The “9999 emergency” service, offered by Family Medical Practice, can rectify that. With just one call, FMP will dispatch a fully medically-equipped ambulance along with phone-based medical assistance for the patient in need.

Given the nature of the service, we have chosen a simplified visual approach, featuring bold colors (red and black to convey an emergency vibe) and a fast-paced animation. This animation effectively tells the story of a working young man experiencing a stroke and utilizing the service to save himself.

Illustrator, Animator: Hannah Hoang

9999 Emergency Storyboard
The storyboard

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