Cầy Vằn Bắc, also known as the Owston Civet, is commonly associated with “weasel coffee,” known as “cà phê chồn” in Vietnam. “Cà phê chồn” is produced by the palm civet, which consumes coffee cherries and subsequently excretes the beans. These beans undergo fermentation during this process, imparting the coffee with its distinctive aroma. Unfortunately, the Owston Civet, although unrelated to the coffee-making process, is frequently mistaken for the palm civet, leading to their capture, hunting, and poaching. Their population has sharply declined, experiencig a 50% reduction over the past 15 ye
Designers: Hannah Hoàng, Simona Nguyễn
Hannah Hoang Artist
Hannah Hoang is an illustrator-graphic designer based in Vietnam, with a passion for story-telling and cute things. With seven years of experience in the industry, she has proved herself as a versatile and reliable artist.